
Craigslist is a list of local classifieds and forums that contains jobs vacancies, home stuffs, buying goods, finding date partners nd just about everything you can think of. You can even search for new electronics gadgets in the Craigslist Gadget sections.

Craigslist was founded by a Case Western University graduate, Craig Newmark in the year 1999. But the history goes way back from the 1995 when he was working in a company named Schwab. Where the craigslist started just as a email mailing list among his friends about things and activities happened in San Francisco Bay Area.

Today, Craigslist has established itself in almost 570 cities in 50 nations worldwide as a service provider in classifieds ads, especially in the jobs vacancies sections. You can browse through the internet for more detail about Craigslist or you can search for a Craigslist handbook available online. This will ensure you will get the most out of the Craigslist. So, what you waiting for? Go search in the Craigslist.